Here you can find various videos, including reviews of Vagrantsong, interviews, promotional content, and live plays of both games I designed and games I love playing.

Vagrantsong Reviews

Dice Tower Reviews

Score: 9.0, Seal of Excellence

“This is easily one of my favorite dungeon crawls I’ve ever played.” – Tom Vasel

Score: 8.5, Seal of Excellence

“This game is a fantastic combination of tactics, of story, of cooperation, of world-building … I think it’s a beautiful mix of those things.” – Zee Garcia

Board Game Rundown

Scores: 9, 9, 8, 8.5

“The design and theme freaking kill it.” – Jeff

Liege of Games Review

“This is going to be one of my game of the year candidates. Period. It’s that good.” – Chris

Quackalope (Overview and Unboxing)

“This one is striking a few notes that I am very excited about.” – Jesse


BlackJack Legacy

Andy from BlackJack Legacy brought me on his channel to talk about all of the current and upcoming Wyrd games.

Man vs. Meeple

Jeremy from Man vs. Meeple sat down with me at Gen Con 2021 for a Vagrantsong rundown.

Game Dev with a Shot of Jameson

Jameson Durall and I chat about tabletop games and my time at Full Sail.

Promotional Content

I sat down with my co-designer, Matt, and together we went over content from Wyrd for Gen Con 2021 and beyond.

Live Plays

Third Floor Wars Live Play of Vagrantsong

Craig from Third Floor Wars brought me on his live stream to teach him how to play Vagrantsong.

Third Floor Wars Live Play of Mothership

I’m currently in a live campaign of Mothership, the sci-fi horror RPG, on Third Floor Wars. It’s been an absolute blast so far!